Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A Moral Question

A moral question
Imagine that you have a favorite place on the bank of a river. Maybe you like to fish or just sit and collect your thoughts. About thirty yards from your spot is an old pier that is in bad shape. Although it is not marked, you know that the pier is unsafe. If anyone were to walk out on this pier, it is certain that it would colapse. You also know that there is a severe under-toe, and if someone were to get caught in it, they would surely drown.
One day as you sit in your spot, you see a man and his young son walk out on the pier. They are talking and laughing and having a good time. You don’t want to interupt their moment, but you know the risk they are taking but they are oblivious to the danger.
Would you let them take their chances, or would you warn them?

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