Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Prayer

Oh Lord God our Heavenly Father,
Blessed be thy name oh Lord. As we celebrate the birth of Your Son the Lord Jesus Christ in human flesh, help us to realize that that was not His beginning. He was from the beginning of time. Help us also to remember He is not still that baby boy in a manger, but that He grew into a man, taught the disciples, healed the sick, loved the poor, and lived a perfect life. That He was crucified for the sins of the world, rose again having defeated death and the grave, ascended into heaven where He sits at the right hand of the Father, and will return again to take His children home to be with Himself for eternity.

Oh Lord, we thank You for this season. We thank You for our family and friends. We thank You for all the joys of Christmas. We thank You for the gifts and the ability to buy gifts. We thank You for the time of family gatherings. We thank You for the unexplainable feelings of joy that come with this season- oh Lord. Thank You for coming to dwell with us.

Oh Lord, we pray for those who are away from home. The military, the missionary, the student, the incarcerated, those who can’t afford to go home. We pray for those who don’t have family. We pray for those who have lost family members, especially those who have lost family during this year. We pray for those who are separated from family because of disagreement. We pray for the sick, the lonely, the hurting. We pray for the lost- oh Lord. Please speak to their hearts during this blessed season, and help them to experience You in a new and personal way.

Oh Lord, we pray that we would humble ourselves and commit ourselves wholly to you. We pray that we would commit to living for you this coming year; that we would seek Your will for our lives in all things. We pray that we would have a heart for the lost and would love them even as you love them. Help us to bridge those gaps between others and ourselves. Oh Lord that others would see You in us. That they would be drawn to You because they see You in us.

Oh Lord, we pray that we would fall down on our knees and truly worship You in spirit. We pray that our lives would be a sweet smelling aroma in Your nostrils. Teach us to live in a way that truly honors You. Give us the strength to overcome temptation and choose to honor You. Oh Lord, help us to worship with all our hearts, minds, and bodies.

To You be all honor and praise. We pray this in Your Holy name Lord Jesus- Amen~   

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