Friday, March 4, 2011

Who Me?

But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh, and that I should bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?” –Exodus 3:11

Have you ever been given an assignment you knew was beyond your ability? Scary isn’t it? When I first started this blog, I knew it was beyond my ability. Although I have been writing devotionals and Bible studies for a few years, they didn’t have the out reaching that a blog would have. If I state something wrong, it is out there. If I state something offensive, it’s out there. I had to decide what to do. Was God leading me to do this? Would He guide me so that I didn’t print anything in error?

I recognized that I had a means to spread the gospel and I prayed (and still pray) that God will never allow me to post anything that is not scripturally accurate. I guess I felt like Moses. I made the decision to go forward and do this and trust God to handle all that I am incapable of doing.

 I still have days I feel lacking, but if one person comes to salvation through this, it will be worth any discomfort I feel.

Is God calling you to something beyond your ability? If so, “be strong and of good courage,” If He leads you to it, He will lead you through it.



  1. Hi Ken, have read through a few of your posts, and I think you and I think alike! I know I am in good company when a brother or sister calls our savior the Lord Jesus Christ. He is our Lord as well as our beloved Jesus and all because He is the Christ.

    Have you ever thought about blogging through a book of the Bible? I would be really interested to read something like that. I rarely see people do this today, yet I think so much more is learned when reading a book in its entirety.

    What devotionals have you written?

    Grace and epace

  2. I have covered whole books in lessons I have taught but not blogged any of it. I have considered this, but haven't felt led to do so as of yet.
    The things I have posted have been the things God has put on my heart. I may do this at some time though.
    Much of what I post are devotionals. Subjects or questions that make one think and hopefully study on their own. I think too many of us are content to read somthing and move on without medtating on it and seeking answers or further study for ourselves.
    Thanks for reading Ken's corner. Please ask questions or make any comments you have.
    I like what I have read on your site. God bless~
