Saturday, March 19, 2011

Who Is This Jesus? Part VIII

In Part VII, we looked at some of Nietzsche’s writing. If Nietzsche didn’t believe
In God, why would he write such things? How much time do we devote to something we don’t believe in? I confess I have not written anything on the Loch ness Monster, aliens, or Big Foot. Why, because I don’t believe in these things.
Another question I have is why did he (Nietzsche) subscribe “morality” to/with God? I know he was battling the morality of Christendom, but regardless of what culture you come from, isn’t obeying and honoring your parents a good thing? What about faithfulness to your spouse, or murder? In what society is theft accepted?

I believe Nietzsche had to battle “moral law” to battle the author of it -God. I believe Nietzsche had an intense hatred for God rather than disbelief. His only weapon was (the same as Satan’s) to attack God by his rejection of God’s existence, and to encourage others to abandon God’s moral law.

I make the argument that God has placed within each and everyone of us an inherent knowledge of good and evil; or “moral lawif you will (ex. murder is wrong). If there is such a thing as moral law, there has to be a moral law “giver.” This is where most people (throughout time and place) vary. Depending upon their personal beliefs, who this moral law giver is, is different.  

I also believe He has placed a God shaped hole within each of us. Throughout time, man has been in search of God, or gods. Why? Because deep down inside man knows that there has to be something or someone bigger than himself that controls things. Why do plants grow? How does the sun stay in place? Where did the sun come from? Why are there seasons? Where did man come from? All of these questions have to have valid answers.

If we study the Bible for ourselves and truly seek “truth”, I believe we will find it written in the pages of the Bible. C. S. Lewis and Lee Strobel were two of many that studied the scriptures to disprove them. Both came to saving faith in the God that they tried to say didn’t exist.  

You may be asking “but what about Jesus? Maybe God does exist but how do I know Jesus was/is the Son of God?” -See parts I-V of this study.

Now that we have looked at various Bible passages, quotes, and writings (Parts I-VII), we are either convinced, curious, or still reject this Jesus. Whether we accept Him, or deny Him, He is still Lord.

For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. For it is written: “ As I live, says the LORD, Every knee shall bow to Me, and every tongue shall confess to God.” Romans 14:10-11 (see also Isaiah 45:23)

Friends, I urge you to look into this matter. Your eternity hangs in the balance. Even if you are not completely convinced at this time, I beg of you, consider these things and look for the truth.

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