Thursday, March 3, 2011

Got God?

1 To You I will cry, O LORD my Rock: do not be silent to me, lest, if You are
silent to me, I become like those who go down to the pit. 2 Hear the voice of my supplications when I cry to You, when I lift up my hands toward Your holy sanctuary. –Psalm 28:1-2

How much do we long for intimacy with God?
How long has it been since we felt Him close?
Have we ever felt His presence?

If we have ever felt His presence, we understand that nothing else compares.
God fills a void that “no one” else can. We may look for a mate, child, or friend
to fill that emptiness that we have but if we expect to find a person to meet our every need, we will be looking until our departure from this life.

Alcoholism and drug abuse are rampant today.  Divorce is epidemic. We go from one failed relationship to another or we take on new hobbies; but none of these things quench that thirst that plagues us.
Might I suggest that if we seek God, we will not need someone or something to comfort us, to be there for us, to help us cope.

I invite you today to seek God and get to know Him. Ask Him to fill that void that He alone can satisfy.

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