Monday, March 28, 2011


Yesterday, our sermon was on “Choices.” Bro. Billy Austin incorporated George Jones song “Choices” into the message and gave a bio on how the song became first on the cd. Mr. Jones wrecked his suv (DUI) shortly after recording this cd and was lying on his back in a hospital bed. His people (I guess manager etc.) wanted to move the track to number one in light of this event, and he agreed. Obviously he had made a very bad choice.

As I considered choices I have made in my life, I can’t help but have much regret.
One thing that jumps out at me is this; every regret I have are for the choices that I made from selfish, or “me” motivated desires.
I am not saying every decision made for self were bad, but all the bad decisions were self motivated.

I cannot recall one bad decision that was made concerning Christ, or decisions made while trying to honor Him. Maybe if I had made every decision based on God’s will, or in view of what would please Him, I wouldn’t have so many regrets. I know this may sound disparaging, but there is great news. News so good I have to share it.

Our God is not a God who dwells on our past, He is a God who cares more about our future.

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. –Jeremiah 29:11

What a God we serve! He doesn’t care about our past failures; He cares about “our future.” Wouldn’t it be great if we didn’t hold others past against them? What if every time someone apologized, we could just forget it; wipe it completely from our mind? If we are genuinely repentant for our sins, God does just that.

Satan loves to bring up our past. He loves to expose our failures. He seeks to attack our weakness and destroy us. Don’t let him! When he reminds you of your past, remind him of his future.

There is an old hym that sums up pretty well how I feel right now.

Standing On The Promises

Standing on the promises of Christ my King, 
through eternal ages let his praises ring; 
glory in the highest, I will shout and sing, 
standing on the promises of God. 
Standing, standing, 
standing on the promises of Christ my Savior; 
standing, standing, 
I'm standing on the promises of God. 
Standing on the promises that cannot fail, 
when the howling storms of doubt and fear assail, 
by the living Word of God I shall prevail, 
standing on the promises of God. 
Standing on the promises of Christ the Lord, 
bound to him eternally by love's strong cord, 
overcoming daily with the Spirit's sword, 
standing on the promises of God. 
Standing on the promises I cannot fall, 
listening every moment to the Spirit's call, 
resting in my Savior as my all in all, 
standing on the promises of God. 

Text and music by: R. Kelso Carter, 1849-1926

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