Friday, January 14, 2011

Simon Peter

A Humble Servant?

Who was Simon Peter?
Was there hope for Simon Peter?
Who did Simon Peter become?

Who was Simon Peter?

Simon Bar-Jonah (Matthew ; John -17); means son of Jonah or John.
Simon, also called Peter, was a fisherman. He was not an educated man. He was rough, and outspoken. He might be what we would call a “redneck” in today’s terms. He was a Jew, but by no means a religious leader. He had the tendency to put his foot in his mouth.
He was cocky, proud, self absorbed, and liked to take charge.

Interesting facts about Peter: (from “Twelve Ordinary Men” by John MacArthur)

Peter’s name is mentioned in the Gospels more times than any other name except Jesus.
No one speaks as often as Peter, and no one is spoken to by the Lord as often as Peter.
No disciple is so frequently rebuked by the Lord as Peter.
No disciple ever rebukes the Lord except Peter (Matthew )
No one else confessed Christ more boldly or acknowledged His Lordship more explicitly.
No other disciple ever verbally denied Christ as forcefully or as publicly as Peter.
The Lord had harsher things to say to Peter than He ever said to any of the others. 
No one is praised and blessed by Christ the way Peter was; yet Peter was the only one       Christ ever addressed as Satan.
The Lord had harsher things to say to Peter than He ever said to any of the others.

Was there hope for Simon Peter?

Peter had the innate makings of a leader; qualities that are not taught, but are born into a person. If harnessed, and brought under God’s control, these traits make a dynamic leader. A leader needs and wants to know the facts.

Inquisitiveness: Asks a lot of questions. Wants to know the facts.
          Jesus difficult sayings…..Matthew 15:15; Luke 1212:41                                              
            How often to forgive……Matthew 18:21
            Rewards for leaving all…Matthew 19:27                   
            The withered fig tree……Mark
            The risen Christ………....John -22
Initiative: A starter, one who gets things going. A leader takes the reins and charges into    the thick of things. A take charge kind of guy. First to answer.
            Who was Jesus……….Matthew 16:13-16; Luke 9:18-20
            The arrest of Jesus……Matthew 26:47; Mark 14:43; Luke 22:47

 Peter still didn’t get it.
On the mount of Transfiguration (Luke -35), Peter spoke when he should have remained silent.
When Jesus washed the disciples feet (John 13:4-9), Peter said no.
In the garden, when Jesus was being arrested, Peter took action (Matthew 26:47; Mark ; Luke ) when he didn’t understand that these things must happen.
Peter’s greatest failure: he denied Christ vehemently and publicly (Matthew 26:69-75).

Who did Simon Peter become?

6)       And he saith unto them, Be not affrighted: Ye seek Jesus of Nazereth, which was crucified: He is risen; He is not here: behold the place where they laid Him.
7)       But go your way, tell His disciples and Peter that He goeth before you into Galilee: there shall ye see Him, as He said unto you.

Peter’s restoration……..John -17

Peter learned a great deal in a very short period of time. He learned that for all the good intentions in the world, he was flawed. He learned that even he, was human and sinful. He learned the failure of betraying his Lord, the one he swore to defend and go to prison for, and even go to the grave for. He learned the humiliation of being held accountable for his betrayal in front of his friends. He learned the blessed forgiveness of his Savior.

He learned to be bold for Christ;
Pentecost……Acts -42
Preaching……Acts 10:24-48;
Prison……….Acts 4:1-22; Acts -32; Acts 12:1-19
Resistance…...Acts 11:1-18
Healing……...Acts -41

The Bible doesn’t give the account of Peter’s death, but it is widely excepted that Peter was crucified, and requested and was granted that he be crucified upside down because he believed himself un-worthy to be crucified as his Lord.

Peter became a man that God could use. He became what Jesus always knew he could, and would become. He became more than he ever thought he could be.

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