Monday, June 13, 2011

Ten Righteous Men

But not what you think…

In the book of Genesis, chapter 18:16-33, we find the story of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Verses 16-31 tell about how the Lord came to judge the wickedness of this great city and how Abraham stepped in on behalf of any righteous men (his nephew Lot lived there) that might be destroyed with the un-Godly. Abraham asked if there were fifty righteous men, would God spare the city, and then kept lowering the number. We will pick up at verse 32.
32 Then he said, “Let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak but once more: Suppose ten should be found there?” And He said, “I will not destroy it for the sake of ten.” 33 So the LORD went His way as soon as He had finished speaking with Abraham; and Abraham returned to his place. –Genesis 18:32,33

This writing is not about the wickedness of Sodom and Gomorrah; this is about the church. I realize this may not be popular with many people, but I feel it must be said. There is much in the New Testament that address’s this issue. My purpose is not to beat up on the church, but offer hope.

Today, many churches are closing their doors; “Going out of business” if you will. 
Some churches are thriving. We see more and more mega-churches popping up.
I for one think the small, local church is a blessing to the members, and the community; if, that church is what it is supposed to be.
Everyone knows one another, and it is like a close knit family. If someone is struggling, or in the hospital, everyone knows, and cares.
I don’t have anything against a large church as long as their focus is on Christ and His ministry and not too busy with trying to please the members and drive the numbers up.

But now, to the meat of this message: I can boldly say that we the church, have not, and are not, doing what we ought. If we were, we would not see the decline of morality and Christian values in the world that we see. But how can we make a difference? 

What if each church (local body of believers) had ten righteous men who would commit to spend time every day in prayer for their church and community?
What if these ten righteous men begged God for the lost souls within a ten mile radius of their church (building)?  What if they asked God to send them young men to disciple? What if they begged God to convict and change the hearts of the political leaders and bless them and their families? What if they committed to do whatever God asked of them?

If God would spare wicked Sodom and Gomorrah if there were ten righteous men there, do you not think He would change the hearts and minds, political and social climate of that local area where ten men committed to serve Him and do His will?

I believe revival would break out and things would change. I believe God would shake things up.  

Throughout scripture and time (history outside of scripture), we see great revivals.
But what always happens is those who have tasted the spiritual revival die off and at some point a new generation grows up seeking other gods.

My challenge today is: be the first to gather nine other righteous men to change things in your local congregation in this generation. What have we got to lose?
Let us see what God will do.     

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