Monday, May 23, 2011

Assembling Of Ourselves

24 And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, 25 not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching. –Hebrews 10:24-25

D.L. Moody visited a woman who had grown cold in her Christian life. She said she had not been able to come to church, but otherwise she could not understand what had happened to make her feel as she did about spiritual things.
Without saying a word, Mr. Moody arose and lifted out a live coal from the grate and placed it on the hearth. In a few moments the glow was gone and the coal was black. “I see it” she said.
You cannot continue to glow in your Christian life alone. You need the warmth of fellowship with other Christians. This is a command to us.
(What The Bible Is All About; Dr. Henrietta C. Mears)   

There are cases where a believer can’t gather in the house of the Lord due to medical, or other physical or mental reasons. God understands this, but does that let you off the hook? No. If you find yourself in this position, or know of someone else in this position, I offer to you that this might be an opportunity for you to get involved in ministry. You can reach out to others via the phone, internet, or some other medium. Maybe you can visit, or arrange a pastor to visit with you and/or others.

If you are in a nursing home, jail, whatever, God can use you there.
Over the last month, my brother who has Down Syndrome, spent a week in the hospital and has been in a rehab/nursing home for the last two weeks. Yesterday,
I had to check my mother into the hospital. As I have walked the halls, I have seen pain and suffering all around.

Are we willing to take the church outside the walls of a building and show the world the hope we have? Are we willing to spread the gospel regardless of our afflictions? The Apostle Paul wrote letter after letter from a prison cell. Praise God he never quit the ministry God gave him. He longed to gather with his brothers and sisters to worship, but that was not an option. He used every means at his disposal to assemble the best way he could.

People need hope. Is God calling you to show it to them regardless of where you are, whatever your circumstances?

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