Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Why do people leave the church?

We are in rebellion against God.
We have been deeply hurt by people we trust.
We have not seen Christ in the church.
We have been misled by false doctrine and/or other lies of the devil.
We are distracted by the cares of this world.

We should consider why we do not attend church services.
In the scriptures, we are clearly commanded to join with other believers.
Take a moment and consider the reason you do not attend.

I will speak more about this later.

For granted, there are those who are disabled or can no longer drive
and have no transportation. If a person can't physically be there, consider
contacting a local pastor and see if someone can visit you. You can relate
by phone or email. You can receive prayer list and pray and/or make phone calls.
You may even be able to have a bible study in your home or if in a retirement
community in the rec. center. "You" have somthing to offer others and receive
a blessing in the process.
The important thing is to be plugged in. Do not rob yourself of the blessing
of being a part of the body of Christ.    

I was glad when they said to me,“Let us go into the house of the LORD.” -Psalm 122:1

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