Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Why do people leave the church Part V

They have been misled by false doctrine and/or other lies of the devil.

This can take many forms. There are countless cults and other false churches out there. The apostle Paul warned Timothy (II Timothy -19, 3:1-9) about false teachers. Many times throughout the New Testament, Paul and others warned of those who would mislead a portion of the flock.

Today there are those who claim that Jesus was not from the beginning;
that we can, or will become gods; that we are presently a part of God. The false teachings go on and on.
I believe because of the division within the evangelical church, many think to themselves “if they can’t agree when they read from the same book, how would I know, or how could I know what is right? All they do is fight and I want no part of it.”  I heard the other day of a man who was fed up with hearing about tithes and offerings. He went home and sat down to watch TV. A couple of people came to his door and said they didn’t believe in tithes and offerings so he invited them in.
If we wrap our message in a pretty package, it is more appealing. Just remember, how many people have opened a pretty package only to have received a bomb or some other harmful item.

Unfortunately, many people get in the habit of watching televised worship services or programs. Many of these TV evangelists would prefer you stay home and send them your tithes or gifts.
Many beg you to send in your money, often times with threats that if you don’t, God won’t bless you, or they may have to go off the air, or in one case, God would kill the preacher if he didn’t receive a million dollars.

I would warn everyone, “compare” what is said to scripture. If it doesn’t agree, get away from that teaching. The bible clearly instructs us to be part of a local body of believers.
God does not require anything of us, except to submit to Jesus, to be blessed. There is nothing we can do to earn God’s favor.

16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. –II Timothy 3:16-17

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