Monday, July 18, 2011


5 So David’s anger was greatly aroused against the man, and he said to Nathan, “As the LORD lives, the man who has done this shall surely die! 6 And he shall restore fourfold for the lamb, because he did this thing and because he had no pity.”
7 Then Nathan said to David, “You are the man!”   -2 Samuel 12:5-7

Have we ever found ourselves caught off guard in a sin? Maybe we made some unkind statements about a friend or a joke about someone with a disability; and then we are confronted by them, or someone else. It may be then and only then that we realize how wrong we were.

Maybe we were supposed to take our kids to the zoo or pick up a friend at the airport but we forgot. Maybe our wife/husband was counting on us to do something important and we dropped the ball.
There is that moment that we are confronted with what we have done, or not done, that causes our heart to cringe and hurt.

What about those who are unfaithful to their spouse? The soldier who was asleep on post or not being vigilant and the result was the death of his fellow soldiers? The politician who takes a bribe and loses the respect of his constituents?  

Truth be known, everyone of us has failed another at some point. Unfortunately we are doomed to do it again and again. The big question here is not what we have done, but rather how do we respond once the sin has been uncovered.
It is easy for us to be angry when we see someone else do wrong, but isn’t it funny how we can be lenient on ourselves? For some, they go the opposite route and never forgive themselves. They let regret destroy their life and cause them to cease being productive.

So what are we to do?

David had failed miserably (2 Samuel chapter 11). His head had blown up and he thought he could do whatever he pleased; even taking another man’s wife and murdering the man.
But God wasn’t finished using David. He knew David’s heart, and He knew David would repent when he saw his sin exposed. God sent Nathan the prophet to lay out what David had done but do it in a way that David would not realize he was the man until his own anger was aroused at the hideousness of the sin.

When the truth was revealed, David repented. He was in agony over what he had done. God didn’t let him off the hook, but He allowed David to remain on the throne. God continued to use David.

Dear friend, have you got a hideous past? Have you committed adultery, lied, failed someone, murdered? There is hope. No matter what you have done, “REPENT!” God is faithful to His word and He will restore you. He wants to bring good out of the bad. He can heal any hurt you suffer. He may leave the scars, but He will heal the wound.

If you have sinned but just can’t bring yourself to confess it and repent, I urge you to get on your knees before Holy God and cry out; You are in grave danger.

If you are struggling with a tainted past and feel as though you can’t get past it, please contact your pastor, or a pastor if you are not a member of a church. If you would like to discuss this with me, please feel free to contact me.

The bottom line is we don’t know how long we have to make things right with God. Why wait? Please deal with this today.

I will praise You with uprightness of heart, when I learn Your righteous judgments.  -Psalm 119:7

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