Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A Baby Sparrow

A friend sent this in an email to me awhile back. I hope she doesn’t mind me sharing it.

Something very strange happened the other day. I feel a bit weird typing about it, as it is difficult to explain. I found a baby sparrow that had flown into a wall. It's beak was bleeding and it’s wing was broken. I didn't lift it at first, hoping it would somehow make it back to the hedge itself. A cat was prowling around the garden and making its way straight for the bird. I tried to chase it away but it kept circling back. I realized I would have to lift the bird and placed it in a box.

Everyone told me it would die. My whole day was taken up with giving it water from a syringe and tiny pieces of dog food. It was so helpless and vulnerable and I knew that I could do nothing more for it but wait. It stopped feeding late that evening refusing the water and food. I couldn't make it eat no matter how often I tried. I was so frustrated as I knew without water it would die. It died the next morning and I was devastated. Everything in my being willed that little bird to fight on and feed but it wouldn't. I kept thinking of the verse in the bible about God knowing when a sparrow falls to the ground. On 3 separate instances the next day that verse was brought to my attention and I really felt God was speaking to me about his love; that His love is there for us if we would only accept it. Unlike the sparrow if we do feed from Him we will live. I looked at how much i wanted this little bird to live and thought how much Jesus wants us to have his eternal life.
This probably sounds quite ridiculous - I did say I feared for my sanity in all this!

Maybe I am making things more complicated than they really are. I kept thinking if God loves this sparrow and knows when one falls, how much more does He love us. I know I will never get it fully but it has made me a lot more determined to hang on.

What a beautiful picture of God’s love for us. Like that little bird, we may want to give up; even rejecting help from the hands and heart of love. Too often we reject the care and hope our Savior offers to us. What great love our Maker has for us.

“Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care.  -Mat. 10:29 (NIV)

God bless~ 

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