Thursday, December 29, 2011

Despair Part I

Are You Discouraged?
Are you facing trials and tribulations?
Does everything seem to be falling apart in your life?
Does it feel like God has abandoned you?

If you answered yes, you are not alone. I struggle with this myself, but when I do, I turn to the scriptures. There are numerous passages that tell the stories of Godly men and women who were discouraged. I get no delight in the suffering of others, but I do gain strength by knowing I am not alone. Furthermore, I see examples of how I am to trust God through the worst life has to throw at us.

So they took Jeremiah and dropped him into the cistern of Malchiah the king’s son, which was in the guard’s courtyard, lowering Jeremiah with ropes. There was no water in the cistern, only mud, and Jeremiah sank in the mud.-Jeremiah 38:6

I don’t know how long Jeremiah spent in this pit, but having spent time in mud before, I can tell you it is not pleasant. Imagine not being able to sit or lie down without being covered in muck. Where do you use the bathroom? In the muck. This could not have been pleasant.
There was no bread in the city so he was hungry as well.

Jeremiah was put in a cistern that was full of mud and slime all because he spoke the word of the Lord to the king. The king had asked Jeremiah for a word from the Lord but did not get the word he wanted to hear so he punished God’s prophet.

Fortunately, Jeremiah was brought up out of the pit eventually. What do you suppose he did? He continued to speak all that the Lord gave him to speak.

If Jeremiah could endure this and still trust his God enough to continue speaking on His behalf knowing his was an unpopular message, what is it for me also to trust this same God in my light afflictions?

If you are struggling right now and need to share your burdens, consider going to the One, the only One, who can sustain you. Also, please feel free to contact me if you have questions or need prayer.

May God give you His peace, comfort and joy to sustain you through these dark

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