Saturday, August 8, 2020

God’s Law or My Law?


Some criticize God for asking for or demanding our worship and then complain that He would send anyone to hell. He is our Creator so there is nothing wrong or unfair with this. If we cannot praise Him in thankfulness, why would we want to go to be with Him in His heavenly home? The truth is, some of us want to be our own god, living for and worshipping ourselves but not facing judgment. We deny God and want to deny accountability to Him. The truth is, God created everything, including us, and has every right to set the rules. We broke His rules but then He, being perfectly just, sacrificed Himself to bridge the gap that we created. Since He is perfect, His laws are perfect. Perfect law demands accountability and punishment. He paid the price so we would not have to. We make the choice to accept His gift of atonement or pay the sin debt ourselves. There is nothing on God’s part that is unjust or unloving with this. What is unjust and unloving is to deny a holy Creator our thanks for creating us and providing for us and making a way back to Him. If we go to hell, it is because we choose it!   


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