Monday, January 5, 2015

Old Earth vs. Young Earth

I must confess, after looking at the evidence from my ongoing research, I am not surprised by any scientific evidence that supports a young earth. In fact, considering the evidence, I am surprised that anyone can believe in the old earth theory. Factual evidence for an old earth simply does not exist, in my opinion. 
Lee Strobel, in his video The Case for a Creator, addresses various misconceptions about scientific evidence in regard to the earth being millions or billions of years old and he also looks at evidence that points to a Creator. He researched Stanly Miller’s Origin of Life Experiment, which he credits with causing him to become an atheist, and found that Miller’s model has long sense been proven wrong. This begs the question, what other evidence has been wrong? Strobel looked at other information as well; perhaps none more interesting than the Cambrian explosion. The Cambrian Explosion is an example of life forms appearing in an almost instant, highly developed state in identifiable form as we know them today. This is important evidence for creation and not an evolutionary process. It powerfully refutes Darwin’s tree of life.[1] 
Dr. David DeWitt also discusses the Cambrian explosion as evidence against the old earth theory. He discusses how some plants in the fossil record appear to be planted as there is no evidence of ancestry; he also points to a lack of transitional fossils. He discusses a partially mineralized bone from a T. Rex dinosaur and tells how there was soft tissue in the bone. Researchers also found what they believed to be blood vessels; in the blood vessels they found what appears to be blood cells that still demonstrated elasticity. As Dr. DeWitt states, it is hard to believe that soft tissue could be found in bones that were millions of years old.[2]  
Evidence such as this has led over six hundred scientists from major universities to sign the Scientific Dissent from Darwinism. I may not be a rocket scientist but when so many  scientists reject Darwinian evolution, looking at the same evidence they see, I do not find it hard to believe in Creation. In fact, much of what scientists are looking at today strongly supports Creation.   

DeWitt, David A. Age of the Earth and Origin of the Universe. Accessed November 14, 2014,
Strobel, Lee. The Case for a Creator. DVD-ROM. Santa Monica: Lionsgate, 2006.

           [1]. Lee Strobel, The Case for a Creator. DVD-ROM (Santa Monica: Lionsgate, 2006).

           [2]. David A. DeWitt, Age of the Earth and Origin of the Universe, Accessed November 14, 2014,

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