Wednesday, April 6, 2011

House Rules

Let’s suppose that you have various friends and family members coming in and out of your house. Let’s say that some of them may be doing things that you don’t like. What if you caught someone stealing your stuff? What if you caught a friend, your son/daughter, or someone else, using drugs in your bathroom? Suppose you caught a couple in your bed? What if a family member murdered someone in your house?

This may seem a little extreme so, what if some teenagers constantly speed up and down your street endangering children? What if some drug dealers decide to sell drugs in your front yard? What if prostitutes hung out around your house and wanted to use your phone to call clients? Okay, maybe I’m still being extreme, but just suppose these things really happened.

How do you expect people to act in and around your house? Don’t you want people to respect you and your property? If others were acting the way I described above, wouldn’t you do something about it?

I think most of us would (if we haven’t already) establish some rules. Many people don’t allow smoking in their house or car.
In fact, let’s list some rules that I think a lot of people might impose for their house and/or car.

No smoking in the house/car
No drinking/excessive drinking in the house
No driving my car if you have been drinking
No illegal drugs in my house/car
Do not touch my spouse (if I had one) in an inappropriate way
Do not touch my kids in an inappropriate way
Do not touch me in an inappropriate way
Do not steal my stuff
Do not enter my house/car, unless invited

Okay, I think we are all on the same page now. What I am driving at is we have certain rules we think should be honored involving our person, our families, and our property.

Does God have the right to set the rules for His house, His family, and His Person?  

He does. In fact, if you don’t honor His rules, why should He allow you into His home? I am so tired of hearing people describe God as a tyrant who has impossible rules. They describe Him as not wanting anyone to have fun. The last time I checked, I didn’t see God sending lightening bolts at someone who rejected Him or His Son, or who broke His commandments. The fact is He allows people to choose for themselves what path they want to follow. They’re good with this part, but when it comes to death, that’s where the problem starts. They think if they live up to their own rules and standards He should allow them to enter Heaven - His home.

The bottom line is He created this world and everything in/on it. He created you and me and every one of us. He has the right to make whatever rules He chooses. If we really look at His rules, we will see that they really benefit us as well as Him. The way I see it, they benefit us more than Him. We want to live in His home not the other way around.

If you want to see His rules go to EXODUS 20:3-17. Following these rules will not get you to heaven; that comes from accepting His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. After we do this, then we obey His rules.  

If you agree, disagree, or have comments or questions, please reply.

God bless~

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