Monday, December 23, 2019

What Is Going On?

On December 20, 2019, Todd Starnes had Franklin Graham on his radio program addressing an article in Christianity Today, a magazine his father, Billy Graham, started. In the article, Mark Galli argued that President Trump should be removed from office and invoked Billy Graham’s name, as if to legitimize his claim. Franklin addressed this article on Starnes’ program with the assertion that Christianity Today has become a leftist magazine and that his father would not approve. He further stated that while he has never spoken publicly about how his father voted, he felt compelled to share that his father knew President Trump and had indeed voted for him.

Franklin Graham: Christianity Today is Leftist Magazine
Trump Should Be Removed From Office

My argument here is not to be political. It is about those who claim to be Christian but their words and actions do not align with truth.  

Why are so many abandoning conservative Christianity and looking more like the world? I believe the answer can be found in 2 Thessalonians, chapter 2. Here, Paul talks about the man of lawlessness and people being deceived. Satan has always tried to covertly usurp God’s authority. In the Garden of Eden, the serpent, that is the devil, asked Eve, “Did God really say…?” (Genesis 3:1). He tried to twist God’s Word and he succeeded, leading to the fall of man.    

Jesus also talked at length about those who appear to be saved but are not, causing dissention in the church (Matthew chapters 7:15,13:1-43; Acts 20:29). He warned His followers that there would be those who would mislead, or attempt to mislead, His people.  

What can we do?

Pray and study God’s Word daily. Don’t just read a few verses, a chapter, or a daily devotional. Study God’s Word for yourself. It’s okay to use resources that help explain God’s truth but pray and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you.  

I pray for each of you as you seek to know the truth. Do not grow weary but pray for strength and guidance and He will make Himself and the truth known to you.

God bless~