Saturday, January 27, 2018

Women Marching...

Last week there were multiple marches across the U.S. The first was in support of the worth and rights of the unborn, held in Washington D.C. The others, held in various major cities from coast to coast, were billed as “women’s marches.” Ironically, the women’s marches were really focused on two things: abortion rights and hatred for President Donald Trump.

Several conservative news sources interviewed marchers and the degree of oblivion was astounding. As I watched the procession, the signs the marchers held were pro homosexual, abortion rights, or hatred for our president. Are we to believe these are the three top priorities for women in America today?   

I’m sure some really felt some sense of threat over what this administration might do that would affect them but rather than based on facts, I suspect their fears were and are fueled by community organizers, Planned Parenthood, and other activist’s groups that want to push their agenda. Most are not willing to engage in dialogue but prefer to scream over anyone who disagrees with them. When asked what policies they disagreed with, not one could give an example. It sounded like they were all instructed from the same playbook: 

1) President Trump is misogynistic 
2) President Trump wants to deny a woman’s right to do what she wants with “her” body 
3) began to scream over those who disagree.    

Does screaming in the street, dressed as a vagina, really win people over? 

A firestorm has been raging of late over sexual harassment against women. Actors, directors, politicians, and others, many well respected, have been dealt a death blow to their careers; some may even find themselves going to prison before it’s all said and done. Like most in this nation, I agree; if they have committed a crime, they should pay. What I find funny, not that there is anything humorous in all of this, is that this one issue seems to be the only topic that both liberals and conservatives agree on, barring the case of Roy Moore.

Moore, a conservative Republican from Alabama, lost his senate run due to allegations of sexual misconduct. His accusers waited forty years to come forward with their claims and most have been overwhelmingly discredited, leading some to believe this was nothing more than a ruse to keep him from being elected. His opponent, Doug Jones, won the seat. Jones is an ardent supporter of abortion. Before the allegations, Moore was overwhelmingly ahead of Jones in the polls.

My intent here is not to make a case for one or the other but simply use this as an example. For many liberal women, and even some conservatives, a “claim” of misconduct against a woman is worthy of a lynching without a trial while abortion is championed as a woman’s right. For most conservatives, a claim of sexual misconduct is worthy of investigation and a proven crime against a woman is deserving of prosecution and punishment. At the same time, most conservatives believe in the sanctity of life for the unborn; all life is precious and worthy of protection.

Regarding the argument of sexual misconduct, my problem with the liberals is how they choose to condemn a man who is simply accused of a violation, if they disagree with his political views, while overlooking a man who has been found guilty when his political views align with their own. Case in point, Bill Clinton. Clinton was notorious for his sexual scandals, while in the White House no less. Today he is cheered as a hero by the left. How? Why?

Is this not hypocrisy at its finest?

It seems that liberal women are dictating morality, even law, in today’s America. Out with the Constitution, out with the rights of the accused (man), and out with the rights of the unborn child. Feminism has finally reached the pinnacle that it has fought so long and hard for. I do not imply that all women subscribe to radical feminist beliefs, this is certainly not the case. I also do not believe that women should be denied rights. I just don’t understand how they can deny the rights they have fought so hard for to their unborn children.

When I was a child, my mother refused to allow us to have a pet hamster or gerbil. Her reason was simple: they eat their own young. As a child, I found this horrible and unacceptable. How could a mother eat their own babies? As an adult, I ask a similar question, how can a mother have her child cut in pieces and sucked out of her womb? The safest place on the planet should be the mother’s womb.