Monday, May 22, 2017

A View of Sin...

There are countless numbers of differences between myself and God and that goes without saying. As I was praying, a thought came to my mind that I have never considered before: I love my children beyond measure, there is nothing I would not do for them. However, if I look at my children sinning, even if I could see their deepest and darkest sins, how would I respond? Most likely I would be hurt, angry, and/or judgmental. I would still love them unconditionally but I would pass judgement on them nonetheless in my heart and mind. In simply viewing them exercise their freedom of choice, I would most likely sin myself.

Let me explain this briefly. Their actions might affect me because what they do contrasts with my values. I may even consider how their actions could embarrass me if ever exposed, “what would others think?” This is pride on my part. I may wish to correct them and as a parent, it is my role to help guide them but I could be overly critical and hurt them deeply. Children need to know their parents love them no matter what. 

Perhaps their actions would violate beliefs I hold as sacred and therefore, I may become angry. While sin should offend us, it should be based on its offense toward God and not ourselves, we should hate the sin while loving the sinner, unconditionally! If our anger is motivated by how the action affects us, we sin. This is self-righteousness.

I hope you get the point of where I am going with this.   
One huge difference between God and me is He sees every sin, mine, yours, and everyone else’s. 
Not only does He see every sin, even those we think are most hidden, but He does not sin in the process. Sin is anything that violates God’s Law. I know many at this point will say, “here we go with all the things we can’t do because God says so,” but if you honestly look at the things that God does restrict, you will find that they really benefit us (I will try to follow up quickly with some examples and post soon). It is to our own detriment not to at least look at this before making a judgment.
God sees our every sin and while it hurts and offends Him, He still loves us unconditionally!         

I don’t think He cares what others will think or how this might have a negative effect on Him; I absolutely believe He cares more about how it will hurt us. If we are saved, we are already forgiven but our sins can lead us away from the close, personal, intimate relationship that He longs for. If you are a parent, you know how you desire a close relationship with your child. Parents who have kids in college or the military really understand this.

For the lost, those who have rejected Christ, God hurts because you hurt worse. I know this may be hard to grasp if you don’t know Him but it’s true. How many of us want to see our child killed in a car accident, die of an overdose, or die at the hands of a mugger? Hopefully no parent desires this for their child; God certainly does not. His desire, why He made us, is so that He will be surrounded by scores of children that He loves and they in turn, love Him back. Is this not what we as parents want?