Sunday, March 12, 2017

Baby Skunks and Children

     There is an old story I’ve heard for most of my life. Our pastor shared it this morning and I immediately thought of another application. I don’t know who told it originally but it goes something like this:

One day a mother looked out the window and saw her children playing with some baby skunks which they thought they were kittens. Horrified, the mother began to yell for her children to run so they picked up the baby skunks and ran.

     Unfortunately, we in the church are much like this well-intentioned mom. When we share Christ with others, we fail to give important details. Whether we fear offending or simply lack knowledge ourselves, we fail to explain that becoming a Christian means turning away from our sins. This is called repentance and it means to go in a 180-degree direction from the path we were on. For many, they do not realize that this means leaving their old sinful lifestyle behind or even faulty beliefs. Like the children picking up the baby skunks, they bring their sinful lifestyle and faulty beliefs with them. The children did not understand that their mother’s intent was to run away from the skunks, mainly the mother skunk that would not be far away. The threat was the skunks but they did not have this piece of information and likewise, sin is the threat the new believer needs to run from but they don’t have this little nugget of information.

     If we are going to share Jesus with others, we need to give them the whole picture, not a watered-down version. Every believer is called to share Christ but we have the obligation to be completely forthright. If you are a believer who wants to share your faith with others, study so that you know what you believe and will have the knowledge to share. Then pray! God will guide you in what you should say but prayer is the most important thing you can do. After all, He is the one who speaks to the heart. He just chooses us to be His instruments. If possible, try building a relationship so that you can disciple the person. Get to know them and as the relationship grows, so does your understanding of what the person believes. Walk beside them, not in front of or behind them and always be sincere.

May God richly bless you as you reach out to others for the kingdom~  
